The 4 Best Vegan Japanese Snack Boxes in 2025 !

Vegan Japanese Snack Boxes

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Top 4 Best Vegan Japanese Snack Subscription Boxes Ranked

Tokyo Treat

Tokyo Treat details
  • Assorted snacks and beverage boxes totaling 1.3 kg
  • Allergen and ingredient information for each product is clearly displayed!
  • You can also check the contents and ingredients of the products you will receive the following month on the website.
  • Ships worldwide!

Check the official site!

Price List

Price per monthtotal cost
12 months$32.5/mo$390
6 months$33.5/mo$201
3 months$35.5/mo$106.5
1 month$37.5/mo$37.5

What services does Tokyo Treat offer?

An assortment of Japanese fads such as sweet breads and beverages as well as Japanese sweets.
Allergen information and ingredients are listed on the website for all products.
You can check the next month’s delivery in advance.
Not a vegetarian-only box.

Tokyo Treat is a box of Japanese fads such as sweets and instant ramen noodles, with the contents changing monthly according to the theme. The contents are a satisfying 1.3 kilograms.

The unique feature of Tokyo Treat is that even though there are so many items in the box, the allergen information and ingredients for each item are detailed. The website does not claim to be vegetarian only, so you will have to decide for yourself whether or not you are able to eat the food. However, you can check the list of products to be delivered in the following month and their allergen information and ingredients on the website. It is very nice to be able to know before you receive your order and to be able to make a purchase with full understanding. You will be able to enjoy trendy Japanese snacks with peace of mind.

Operating CompanyICHIGO Corporation
AddressTokyo, Japan

Check the official site!

Compare TokyoTreat with other boxes!

In the following article, japanese-snacks-lab reviews the newest box each month without nonce.


Sakuraco details
  • Snack Box delivers Japanese sweets and traditional confections from various regions of Japan!
  • Allergen information and ingredients for all products are available!
  • Many products are made from natural ingredients such as rice and green tea!

Check the official site!

Price List

Price per monthtotal cost
12 months$32.5/mo$390
6 months$33.5/mo$201
3 months$35.5/mo$106.5
1 month$37.5/mo$37.5

What services does Sakuraco offer?

Snack box service featuring Japanese sweets and traditional snacks.
Allergen information and ingredients for all items in the box are available in advance.
Many of the snacks are suitable for vegans, such as green tea, matcha green tea, and rice.
Not a vegetarian/vegan-only box.

Sakuraco is a box service for traditional Japanese sweets and sweets. The emphasis is on packing boxes with traditional Japanese sweets, senbei (rice crackers), and other confections rather than typical snacks.

As with Tokyo Treat, you can rest assured that each confectionary contains details with allergen information, raw material ingredients, and composition information. The website then lists the next batch of sweets to be delivered, where you can find information on allergens and whether vegetarians can eat them.

The contents of the boxes are mainly Japanese sweets and traditional confections, so there are many items that vegetarians can eat, such as rice crackers and rice cakes made from rice.

From this perspective, you can feel the wisdom and ingenuity of the Japanese people who have lived together with nature through the Japanese sweets that arrive every month.

Please feel free to enjoy Japanese traditional culture to the fullest.

Operating CompanyICHIGO Corporation
AddressTokyo, Japan

Check the official site!

Compare Sakuraco with other boxes!

In the following article, japanese-snacks-lab reviews the newest box each month without nonce.


Bokkusu details
  • Carefully selected contents based on a different theme each month, such as festivals, prefectures, holidays, etc.
  • All allergen information and ingredients are listed on all the sweets you receive.
  • Japanese sweets and traditional Japanese confections are the main items.
  • More than 20 items are included in the package.

Check the official site!

Price List

Price per monthtotal cost
12 months$39.99/mo$479.88
6 months$43.99/mo$263.94
3 months$45.99/mo$137.97
1 month$49.99/mo$49.99

What services does Bokkusu offer?

Contains more than 20 Japanese sweets and other items.
The contents consist mainly of traditional Japanese sweets and Japanese tea.
Allergen information and ingredients are listed on each snack for your peace of mind.
Many of the sweets are made from natural ingredients because they are mainly Japanese confectionaries.
Fees are a little high.

Bokksu contains over 20 items, including traditional Japanese sweets such as rice cakes, rice crackers, and tea. These are an assortment of special products carefully selected by local companies from all over Japan just for Bokksu. By purchasing these items, you are also supporting small, family-owned local businesses.

There are over 20 Japanese snacks in the box, each with detailed allergen information, ingredients, and composition information so that you can check and understand what you are eating.
You can also check the list of snacks that will be delivered next on the website, where you can confirm in advance the allergen information and whether vegetarians can also eat them.

Bokksu contains mainly Japanese sweets and traditional sweets, so there are many sweets made from natural ingredients such as sesame, brown sugar, and green tea. Therefore, many of them can be safely enjoyed by vegetarians and vegans.

You will be able to taste the goodness of Japanese culture, which has enjoyed using vegetables and rice not only for daily meals but also for sweets.

Operating CompanyBokksu Corporation
AddressNew York, U.S.A.
(Second base is Tokyo, Japan.)

Check the official site!

Compare Bokksu with other boxes!

In the following article, japanese-snacks-lab reviews the newest box each month without nonce.


SAKURA BOX details
  • Wide range of choices in number of contents and price.
  • Vegetarian boxes available.
  • Free shipping.
  • One-time purchase.

Check the official website!

Price List

volume contentprice
Dagashi Box of 20 items$19.97
Dagashi 30-piece bag$21.97
Dagashi Box of 30 items/Halal and vegetarian available$22.97
Dagashi Box of 40 items$29.97
Dagashi Box of 50 items$37.97
Snack Share Pack$29.97

What services does SAKURA BOX offer?

Vegetarian boxes availablen.
Wide variety of food.
Suitable for a variety of needs, from those who enjoy it individually to those who want to share it.
Most of the snacks in the package are candy.

SAKURA BOX is a box filled with Japanese snacks and candy. You can choose from a 20-piece box, a 30-piece box, or a 40-piece box. Not only that, but halal and vegetarian boxes are also available, making it possible for people from all over the world to enjoy the box.

It is very nice to know that there is a box where people who want to eat but cannot due to allergic or religious reasons can do so. It is a very nice point to have a vegetarian box where you can enjoy your food without worrying about what you can eat.

We hope that you will enjoy the experience of tasting foreign sweets, which is something that is usually difficult to do.

Operating CompanySAKURA BOX

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A samurai who conveys the charm of Japanese snacks to the world. He is an ordinary university student living in Tokyo, Japan. His favorite sweets are Ottotto and Jagarico. He is a level 3 dietary advisor.

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